Thursday, December 20, 2018

FATIMA The Gracious

In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
All praise is due Allah who created mankind and made for them an example to follow throughout their fierce battle with evil.
Prophet Muhammad (S) was the last apostle sent by Allah to commu- nicate to mankind His Divine code (i.e. Islam). Because this code was a comprehensive one, it also dealt with the needs of women throughout history, and assigned a perfect example for them to prove beyond doubt that what Islam preaches is practical and, if properly followed, leads to everlasting felicity. This example set by Islam to women was manifested in the person of Lady Fatima Zahra (A), daughter of Allah's Messenger.
Yet, the English Library lacks a comprehensive book in regard to her life; so I was asked to take upon myself the duty of translating the work of a profound Shiite speaker - Muhammad Kazim Qazwini- entitled Fatima Zahra Min Al-Mahde Ila al-Lahd, into English. As I was translat- ing, I found the book to be in the form of speeches regarding the success- ive events of Fatima's life; therefore I decided to depend mainly on the said book for recording Fatima's biography until the time of the Prophet's death. Because of the extremely sensitive period which fol- lowed his death, and the everlasting effects which the events thereafter left upon the Islamic ideology and the structure of various Muslim sects and issues, I deemed it necessary to study various historical books, espe- cially those which dealt with Lady Fatima Zahra's life, to come up with the most accurate information regarding the prime of the post-period of the Prophet's death. Moreover, various sermons, which were delivered during those events, were intentionally included in the book-especially Fatima's speeches-so as to allow researchers to study the said historical events independently.

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