Saturday, November 10, 2018

A Journey To The Fact

This book tries to answer some serious questions and respond to relative doubts concerning faiths and belief in God. It is recommended for those suffering from unacceptable interactions with religious people and those who would like to be more with the true nature of religion. It is also discusses the reason why some religious people let others go astray.
This book provides answers to the following questions:
Has the universe been created for nothing? Has been created for someone with purpose? Or it was merely an accident?
Is there any aim beyond the creation of the world?
Who govern the world? Nature, superpower or God?
Why should some people ask the youth not to query too much about the Creator? Is there a lack in the Creator that the youth shouldn't know about? Or do we have difficulties in making this misunderstanding clear?
Is the Creator cruel, or kind and merciful? How and why?
Why should some people suffer from many problems while we emphasize that the Creator of the universe is kind? Is there any ambiguity with this expression? Or is there something we don't know?
Why do we always see the traditional religion in places where cruelty and poverty is noticeable?
Are we going to believe in traditional religion or are we going to discover a religion that covers nowadays' requirement?
Why are those preaching for religion always keen to motivating people to pray and perform religious duties while they themselves are not so keen to inform those people about their social, economical and political rights?
Last but not least, when we see all the problems in the religious societies, can we say that there is a problem with the religion itself; or should we say that there is a problems with the believers but not the religion?
In brief, this book tries to present an easy- to- understand text to be followed by the youth as well as parents in order to be able to answer the questions and queries pertaining to religion and faith.

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