Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Seeking The Straight Path Reflections Of A New Muslim

Common challenges and issues faced by converts,the reasoning behind conversion, analysis from a Western view of many controversial or misunderstood topics in Islam, and basic information needed by new converts. Spanish translation is also available.
It is a long time now that I have wanted to write regarding my conversion to Islam. My problem has been that I did not know what to write or how to write it. One of my main con-cerns now is that I want to write something that is of value to someone other than me.

I can remember a few times when I was asked to speak at a masjid and I was a little bit horrified, because I had come to learn from the people there and, in turn, they wanted to learn from me. What could I say that they didn’t already know or that would be of use to them? Whenever I’ve asked myself that, the answer has always been that I could speak only of my own experiences. Well, it seems arrogant to think that other people would want to listen to me talk about myself. But, perhaps there is some value in the tale of the experience of someone who chose to become Muslim.

In the past, I have written a few very brief accounts of how I came to be Muslim and I got tremendous feedback. People wrote to me who were investigating Islam and could relate to my story or wanted information. Other people who wrote to me were born Muslim and had found inspiration in the stories of converts. I have really enjoyed meeting so many people through those brief accounts. It made me realize that something in my story must be of value to other people, so that by telling my story I may be able to improve someone’s situ-ation...

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Thursday, January 24, 2019

A New Perspective Women In Islam

"A New Perspective – Women in Islam” is a dialogue between a Muslim woman and a Muslim Scholar. The book dis-cusses and expounds upon various issues regarding the rights and governing laws that pertain to women in Islam and un-wraps some of the distorted images and misconceptions that surround Muslim women.
Sayyid Moustafa al-Qazwini was born in Karbala, Iraq. He graduated from the Islamic seminary in Qum, Iran and immig-rated to the U.S. He is an author of several Islamic books and lectures across the nation. He is the founding Imam of the Islamic Educational Center of Orange County, California.

Fatma Saleh a native of Lebanon, raised in Southern Califor-nia since 1971. She is an active member in the Muslim com-munity of Los Angeles. She has published writings on Islam and speaks at universities and religious institutes on Muslim women.

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Saturday, January 5, 2019

Matrimonial Rights

Marriage is the holy legal tie between man and woman through which they share the same life and reciprocate definite rights and obligations. God has passed the law of matrimony so as to keep humankind on this earth and keep the earth constructed and prosperous.
“His creating spouses for you out of yourselves so that you might take comfort in them and His creating love and mercy among you re evidences (of the truth) for the people who (carefully) think (30:21).”
“He who gets married wins the half of his religion. Hence, he should fear Allah in questions regarding the other half.”

Eternity Of Man

The discussion regarding the resurrection of man after death is, in reality, an answer to a general and universal question. In addition, it is also the answer to an individual and social need, in the meaning that, with the proving and establishment of the life after death, one of the most important individual and social needs of man - and that is - the love for permanence (or love for eternity) shall be fulfilled. Most important of all, man, in the light of his belief in Resurrection and in an eternal life, becomes directed, motivated and purposeful in his worldly life and saves the priceless moments of his life from becoming aimless and without goal and direction.
From another aspect, with the clarification and understanding of the issue of Resurrection, an important historical, philosophical, scientific and social issue, and the summary of a doctrinal and religious belief, shall find itself the object of discussion and deliberation. That faith and belief which has been the object of deep attention of all the Divine religions and amongst them - Islam, and towards which they have attached a great deal of importance.
So much so that, the Holy Qur’an has always mentioned the belief in Resurrection and life after death, after mentioning the belief in God. The importance which the Holy Qur’an associates with this issue is such that some of the commentators of the Holy Qur’an have said that a third of the Holy Qur’an - directly or indirectly - deals with the issue of Resurrection.